New Year, New You: Week 5

The last week of the New Year, New You: 31 Day Detox is here!!!! I can not believe it. I can say that I am so happy to have put this together and share it with those who are interested about healing from inside out. It has been 28 wonderful days. This is your Week 5 guide that…

31 Day Detox: Week 3 Reflections 

Week 3 has been awesome. I have really enjoyed trying new recipes each day. This is helping me build even more on my vegetarian dishes for my family. I have loved having a plan for each day that not only outlines what I am eating, but sprititual practices and workout regimens. Remember this detox was…

New Year, New You: Week 4

We are at Week 4! It feels like it flew by. I am so happy that I have been sticking to every bit of this detox. I am hoping you have been too! Even after this I have decided I will personally plan out my weekly schedule of activites and meals. It has really made…

New Year, New You: Week 3

Wow, can you believe we are now about to begin Week 3 of the 31 day detox. How has your 14 days been? I have enjoyed this so much. All of the meals have been delicious. I’ve been noting my favorites so I can incorporate in my weekly meals following the detox. I am feeling…

New Year, New You: 31 Day Detox

As we venture in to the New Year we have the chance to create New Year resolutions, reset, refresh, and herald into new beginnings. I’ve decided to detox the 1st 31 days of 2017 to release habits that are no longer serving me, cleanse, restore balance within, enhance mental clarity, and vibrate higher.   So…

Self-Care: A Must Have

Self-Care. What does it mean to you? For me self-care is essential to long-term health and balance in my every day life. Self-care are all those intentional actions that we do to care for our mental, emotional, and physical health. The health of your body, mind, and spirit are essential to safeguarding your wellbeing.  Despite, the many…

Benefits of Bicycling

For the past month,  I have been up by 5:00 or 5:30 in the morning road cycling before starting my day. In my other post Being Blown By the Wind, Mall Walkers & Bikers: Easy Does it, and Breakaway RVA: A Uniquely Richmond Experience, I share about my startum to cycling, the bike group I help found, and…

Drink your Inflammation Away!

In previous post I have shared like Take Heed: Ditch Western medicine and Book Share I discussed no longer relying on Western Medicine to heal us. I am still gung-ho about this. After having my second child (2 and done :)), I was referred to a gastrointestinal specialist for severe inflammation to say the least. I was totally shocked…

My Wheatgrass Journey

Did you know that 2 ounces of wheatgrass is equivalent to 4 pounds of green vegetables? Yes, it is true. I was shocked when I first found this out. I kept seeing “Wheatgrass shots” for purchase at my local Smoothie King and was curious about it. They had the health benefits posted on the wall…


I’ve been told, “your very eclectic!” Nothing I’ve strived to be, but naturally this is the person I’ve become. Based on the definition of eclectic, I can honestly say yes; I am a person who embraces ideas, styles, and taste from a diverse range of sources. When I reflect on my life I think there…

Mall Walkers & Bikers: Easy Does it

Today I started my day off around 7:00am. I hopped on my bike and instead of going right today, I went left. A friend of mine was telling me how they do a few laps by looping around the mall a few times. What came to mine was, so your a “mall biker.” I couldn’t…

Being Blown By the Wind

  “And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair”  ― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet Lets reflect on a few months ago. In the Fall of 2015 I purchased a bike with the intent to begin exercising by bike. To date, my bike has done…